As we learn and grow in life we don't just want to look at our bodies and the things of this world, we want to look at our insides.  Who are we?  Who did God create us to be?  Where are we going in life and what is the mission God gave us in this life?

Everyone talks about conversion, but what about those who converted and look to grow closer to God?

All these questions are answered when you build your relationship with God.  You stay away from all kinds of sin, and you don't act like God is going to forgive you anyways, so it is okay to sin.  God hates sin...

That is probably one of the most important things that we need to keep in mind as we are growing and becoming closer to God in this lifetime.  God Hates Sin...

Not God is going to forgive Everything which is what we tell people.  A real spiritual evolution means that we tell ourselves God hates sin, and we are not going to sin...

All through the bible and especially during the time period that Christ walked the face of this earth, he urged people to sin no more.  Quit making excuses to sin.  What goes into the body is not sin, it is what comes forth from the body that is sin.  What comes out of your mouth is sin.  So be careful of what comes out of your mouth, because if you sin too much or you can't show God that you can change and evolve, you are not staying away from sin; you will find yourself answering for it. 

Once you figure out that sin leads to nothing but downfall, you will find yourself pushing everything about sin away from you.   People sin, and their sin will stick right out to you.  Don't be the judge, let God judge them.  But pray for them, because everyone can change if they want to.  And we always want to HOPE that everyone will eventually change.  Your own sin starts turning into tid-bits of stupid mistakes you make and when it comes time to reconcile with God or in my case go to confession, I am asking God to remind me of all my stupid sin so I can give a really good confession.  Because God is my friend, and he wants me to be reconciled with him.  This also brings on an evolution of the spirit where you have learned to become more like God.  As Jesus told us, be perfect as our Great Father in Heaven is perfect.

 Okay, that seems like a lot to consider.  But if we don't put our best foot forward all the time and we become like others around us that want to shoot off their mouths at everyone, and not walk the path of the Lord, or worst off believe that all they need is the faith of a mustard seed and nothing else is needed in their life well that is where you are holding yourself back from evolving.

 We want to Evolve.  We want to be the greatest light that we can be for God.  That is what Jesus called us to be.  We don't want to be the people he spoke about in the parable of the seed thrown on rocky ground or with the weeds.  We don't want to be the people who showed up to the Wedding feast wearing the wrong clothing.  We don't want to be the women who forgot to bring oil for their lamps and left before the doors were opened by the bridegroom, then left behind because the doors were closed.  And we definitely don't want to be the people who took over the orchard, then beat and killed his servants and then killed his heir.

We want to be the people whose seeds are sown in Godly nourished soil, the people who came to the Wedding feast with our souls shining the brightest light, the people who came prepared waiting for the bridegroom to open the doors.  We want to be the people who took care of Gods servants and loved his heir.

So, as I said, building that relationship with God every day is the way to become Godly nourished, bright lights prepared for the bridegroom.  But Evolution plays a big part in this changing of our lives, changing of our insides, our soul.  And so many people think they know all the answers, but we really do not know all the answers because this Evolution continues to evolve us every day that we work on it.  And each person's path is different; each person is different.  So, the evolution for each person will be different.  We will continue to evolve everyday of our lives, so it is impossible to have all the answers.  But it is possible to evolve into that person that God created you to be, on the path that God created for you to be on.  If only we continue to push forward and let ourselves be evolved by God...

In the end of this life, we will be the evolution that God expected us to be as we are received into his Kingdom...






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