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The Traveler

  All thru the new testament you will find that Jesus traveled, even as a young infant.  His family traveled to Egypt from Bethlehem, then to Nazareth, and back and forth to Jerusalem.  During his journeys with his disciples they all traveled.  After he ascended his Word has traveled all over this world to enable all people to know him.  And the word has travel by people. Travel has been in my life also, since a young child, traveling all over California.  As a teenager I traveled all over the US, and as a young adult I did some traveling also.  Then when I got older I tried to put roots down for a while in certain places, but always finding myself traveling somewhere else.  I either needed to travel to live or traveled to explore and vacation.  Even at the age of 57, I am looking at traveling near and far. So, I believe it can be within us to be travelers.  And sometimes we need to travel to other locations to start a new life.  I've done that many times in order to try and have a

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